Founded in September 2007 to celebrate the 750th anniversary of the Sorbonne, Sorbonne Post-Scriptum is the Pantheon-Sorbonne University Alumni Association and the second-largest French university alumni network on Linked In (professional network service) in 2009.

Our alumni network brings together top level professionals / consultants / researchers / executives / directors working all around the world in many fields:

- Banking, Economics, Market Finance, Trading, Corporate Finance, Tax Law, Financial Engineering, Insurance, International Trade and Real Estate,

- Accounting, Audit, Business Administration, Consulting, International Business Development, Management and Strategy,

- Law, Civil Law, Business Law, Finance and Securities Law,

- Comparative Law, Common Law, European Law, International Law and Foreign Trade Law,

- Social Law, Labor Law and Human Resource Management,

- Administrative Law, Public Law, Political Science and International Relations,

- Marketing, Logistics, Mass Distribution/Retailing and Advertising,

- Audiovisual, Cinema, Media, Multimedia, Computer Science and Information & Communication Technologies,

- Industry, Innovation and New Technologies,

- the Cultural Industries, Fashion & Luxury Goods, Tourism, Sport and Healthcare,

- Non-profit organizations, international institutions and NGOs,

- Archaeology, the Arts, Design, Geography, Environment, Sustainable Development, History and Philosophy,

- Higher Education & Academic Research.